Translation of "weird" into Spanish

extraño, raro, misterioso are the top translations of "weird" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I find it weird that you'd like to see me given how much I bothered you last week. ↔ Me extraña que quiera verme con la lata que le di la semana pasada.

weird adjective verb noun grammar

Having supernatural or preternatural power. [..]

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English-Spanish dictionary

  • extraño

    noun adjective masculine feminine

    I find it weird that you'd like to see me given how much I bothered you last week.

    Me extraña que quiera verme con la lata que le di la semana pasada.

  • raro

    adjective masculine

    deviating from the normal; bizarre

    If I act weird around you, it means I'm comfortable with you.

    Si actúo raro a tu lado significa que estoy cómodo contigo.

  • misterioso


    She's hot and all, you know, but it's weird.

    Ella es caliente y todo eso, tú sabes, pero es misterioso.

  • Less frequent translations

    • curioso
    • sobrenatural
    • exótico
    • bizarro
    • peculiar
    • siniestro
    • gracioso
    • extraordinario
    • diferente
    • estrafalario
    • estrambótico
    • muy raro
    • rarífico
    • cómico
    • chistoso
    • chusco
    • jocoso
    • distinto
    • divertido
    • separado
    • fantástico
    • extravagante
    • tremendo
    • diverso
  • Show algorithmically generated translations

Automatic translations of "weird" into Spanish

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Translations with alternative spelling

Weird noun

fate personified; any one of the three Weird Sisters

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English-Spanish dictionary

  • Weird

    Weird (Hilary Duff song)

    Weird Al's about to get a taste of his own medicine.

    Weird Al está a punto de recibir su propia medicina.

  • Norna

  • Urd

WEIRD noun grammar

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic [..]

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Phrases similar to "weird" with translations into Spanish


Translations of "weird" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory

Well, you're clearly not pregnant, so either you're buying this as a gift, or this is some kind of weird " if you build it, they will come " moment.
Bueno, claramente no estás embarazada así que, o estás comprando esto como un obsequio o esta es una clase de extraño momento tipo " si lo construyes, ellos vendrán ".
His nose was kind of weird, but not in an unattractive way.
Su nariz era un tanto extraña, pero no de una forma poco atractiva.
It’s weird though—I’m not as hesitant to dance here as I was at Big D’s party.
Pero es extraño: no dudo tanto en bailar aquí como en la fiesta de Big D.
It's weird!
¡ Es asqueroso!
The man he had seen was Dane Parnell. 4 BILLY SAT UP LATE that weird deep night.
El hombre que había visto era Dane Parnell. 4 Aquella extraña noche, Billy estuvo despierto hasta tarde.
Congratulations on winning that Academy A-weird.
Felicitaciones por ganar el premio de la Epidemia.
Anyway, that's why I have been acting so weird.
Y por eso he estado actuando de forma tan rara.
But there's nothing weird.
Pero no hay nada raro.
She gets weird around other nurses and stuff, so it's probably best not to let her on
Lo mejor es que no se entere de...
Man, they're weird, you know?
Tío, son raras, ¿verdad?
Yeah, but when you get a weird feeling, it's different from when I get one.
Sí, pero cuando las tienes tú, son diferentes de cuando las tengo yo.
I heard you even took weird pictures with Park Chae Rin.
Escuché que incluso te tomaste fotos raras con Park Chae Rin.
It was a weird-looking contraption, especially in the middle of that starkly elegant room.
Era un aparato de apariencia extraña, especialmente en medio del cuarto austeramente elegante.
You know, it's weird,'cause I can feel them, too.
Es raro, porque yo también siento su presencia.
Very weird.
Muy raro.
It’s a weird mix of being isolated and completely on display.
Es una extraña mezcla de estar aislado y estar en la mira por completo.
It feels weird thinking about how I'd spend it, though.
Es raro pensar en cómo gastar ese dinero.
“He’s got something weird in his skin that will make you sick.”
Tiene algo raro en la piel que os pondrá enfermos.
He was weird and semiretarded but he wouldn’t hurt anybody.
Era raro y subnormal, pero jamás haría daño a nadie.
Here, even in 1829, two weird stone sphinxes guarded the entrance.
Aquí, todavía en 1829, dos extrañas esfinges de piedra custodiaban la entrada.
Normally, he has some sort of weird insight where he just knows.”
Normalmente, tenía una especie de extraño don que le hacía saber esas cosas».
But a lot of people think she’s flaky and weird.
Pero mucha gente la considera rara y extravagante.
Phil, I know this sounds weird, and believe me, all I'm after is answers.
Phil, sé que suena raro y créeme, lo único que busco son respuestas.
Geez, you've been acting weird lately.
Shhh, has estado actuando raro últimamente.
“It’s weird to think we have Psy blood.
—Es raro pensar que tenemos sangre psi.